Title VI/ADA Information

What matters to you matters to us. We listen, respect and act.

CCATD pledges to provide safe, affordable and reliable transportation services to the people of Coos County. In addition, we have a long-standing commitment to actively participate in identifying best practices for continued improvement. We pledge to provide courteous service to our customers and to strive to achieve world class performance and service.

Title VI Notice to the Public of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
CCATD operates its programs without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, age or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, ORS Chapter 659A or other applicable law. Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with CCATD. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with CCATD within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. For more information on CCAT’s civil rights program, and the obligations and procedures to file a complaint, contact 541-267-7111 or 711 for Telecommunications Relay Service or visit CCATD at the address below.

Coos County Area Transit Title VI Complaint Coordinator at:
2810 Ocean Blvd. SE ~ Coos Bay, Or 97420
Or call: 541-267-7111

Title VI Procedure and Complaint Form

CCATD – ODOT – FTA Contact Information

Incident Form

Title VI Plan adopted May 13, 2024