Dial-a-Ride and ADA Paratransit

For people that are unable to use the fixed routes because of a disability they may be eligible for our Dial-A-Ride services. These services are primarily curb-to-curb services that are scheduled in advance. It is available the same day and hours as the fixed routes are operating. It is available with 3/4 of a mile on each side of any CCATD fixed route bus service. Eligibility for this service follows ADA regulations. If you apply for a Dial-A-Ride under the ADA guidelines and are not accepted, you have the right to make a formal appeal about your eligibility determination.

If you think you qualify for the service based on a disability please use the Paratransit Application below. This application requires a professional verification that must be filled out to qualify. If not, use the 62+ application below.

The difference between the two programs is in times of high demand service may not be able to be provided to those enrolled as 62+. Meaning all your rides for a particular day, at the times you request, might not be available. Dial-A-Ride has a flat rate of $3.00 per ride.

To request an application for service to be mailed, emailed, faxed or picked up at our office, contact our office at 541-267-7111.  There are two applications to choose from:

Once the application is received a determination will be made on eligibility for services within 21 days. You can fax the completed application to 541-982-5381 or mail to 2810 Ocean Blvd. SE ~Coos Bay, OR 97420

In order to ensure a ride at a particular time, riders are encouraged to call from 1 to 14 days before their trip. Riders will be required to schedule their return-trip time at the time of the original call. Riders who will be traveling to the same place, at the same time, on the same days (i.e., trips to and from work or dialysis) can set up a recurring/subscription trip.