Public hearing for propose rate changes set Sept. 23

The Coos County Area Transportation District board of directors and the CCATD Advisory Committee will host a public hearing for an ordinance that could change fares across the CCATD system. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Monday, Sept. 23, at the South Coast Business Employment Corporation, 800 N. Bayshore, in Coos Bay. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person or virtually via Zoom at Or Dial: +1 346 248 7799; Webinar ID: 667 827 645.

Members of the public will be welcome to address the board about the proposed rates, with each public comment limited to three minutes.

The board will not take formal action on the proposed changes at the meeting but will listen to feedback from the community. Formal action will be taken at the board’s regular meeting October 14.

Effective: September 21, 2024 - September 23, 2024